Cet exercice est une des 5 épreuves écrites de la partie reading du BULATS (Linguaskill). Mais qui vous servira pour n'importe quel test de niveau même si vous ne la retrouvez pas telle quelle stricto sensu.
Car il vous faudra acquérir les mêmes réflexes et utiliser les mêmes connaissances pour les autres tests (TOEFL - TOEIC - IETLS, etc.)!


ATTENTION: respectez bien les consignes ci-dessous et notamment jouez le jeu pour vous exercer en conditions réelles.

Dans cette partie vous avez 2 textes. Lisez le texte puis trouvez la meilleure réponse pour chacune des 5 questions. Pour chaque question vous avez 3 options.
Ensuite passez au 2nd texte. Les questions sont posées par ordre chronologique.


CONSEILS: À mon humble avis, voici quelques conseils précieux :

  • Méfiez-vous du vocabulaire.
    Car parfois les questions sont faites pour vous piéger... donc la clé ici, autant que vos compétences linguistiques, c'est la... concentration.
    Comme pour tout test en fin de compte.
  • Les questions sont posées par ordre chronologique. C'est-à-dire que si la question 2 porte sur le 2e paragraphe, la question 3 ne peut PAS porter sur le paragraphe 1.
    Donc profitez-en pour cibler la bonne partie du texte qui contient les informations nécessaires pour répondre à votre question.
  • Pour certaines questions il y a une part d'interprétation qui est parfois difficile à appréhender.
    Car même si vous comprenez tout (le texte, la question et les 3 options) il faut prendre en compte le contexte et NON pas vous fier à ce que vous écririez dans ce contexte. N'oubliez pas que c'est un test, donc il y a un côté un peu "bête" et "méchant"!


Now, let's start and test your comprehension skills!

Let's goooo!



A day in the life of a wedding planner


For a wedding planner, no two days are the same. A wedding planner has various activities: planning, communication, securing the contracts, and so on. A wedding planner is hired to take care of the details and make sure that everything is in order for the big day. She or he needs to be detail-oriented and highly organized. But also very diligent and creative. And of course a wedding planner has to stay up-to-date with wedding trends.

Moreover, he or she is also self-employed, so a wedding planner needs to be able to sell his or her services and be multi-tasking… And one shall not forget that the busiest days are from Friday to Sunday since these are the typical party days for weddings. But don’t worry because a wedding planner has also plenty of things to keep him or her busy during the week. And bear in mind that every client needs and wants to feel special. Because it is one of the most important day in their life. So, a wedding planner might end up being more stressed than their own clients.

But this job is also very rewarding. The best part is probably running the wedding itself and seeing all the hard work and planning coming to life. And a wedding planner is also very intimate with his clients, very close to them. Thus, this job can be fulfilling.

So, if you are reading this article and still want to be a wedding planner, be prepared to work hard, to be nice and to always go the extra mile. With a smile on your face, even under pressure of course!

1/ According to the author wedding planners are

A/ Employees
B/ Working for themselves
C/ Working for big event companies


2/ In the second sentence of the second paragraph, what does “one” refer to?

A/ Wedding planners?
B/ Everyone thinking about what it means to be a wedding planner.
C/ Wedding planners’ clients.


3/ How does the writer describe the schedule of wedding planner?

A/ It is hectic.
B/ It is boring.
C/ A wedding planner can work on Saturdays and Sundays, but not more than the rest of the week.


4/ In the third paragraph, how is the author describing the profession of wedding planner?

A/ It a tough job but it is worth working as a wedding planner.
B/ Being a wedding planner has a lot of downsides.
C/ One can make a great deal of money.


5/ What idea does the last paragraph express?

A/ One can be lazy sometimes.
B/ Doing your job requires to go beyond people’s expectations.
C/ Being a wedding planner is easy at the end of the day.




Student Loan debt


Student loan debt has been accelerating so fast these last few years that it has clearly become a burden for the United States. In 2017, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the total student debt loan rose for the 18th consecutive year. And the same year, students had borrowed double the amount of money for higher education compared to 8 years ago. So, after a few years of professional experience, Americans often carry a student loan debt, but also credit card debt, a mortgage, and even an auto loan. And most of them have to wait till retirement to be debt free.

There are numerous misconceptions about student loan debt. It is often considered, relying on peers for advice, to be good debt, to be the best investment you can make in your life. Because if you get a diploma, you will get a good job. But truth be told, it is not always the case, even if the economy is thriving. And there’s a good reason for that. Student fees have increased so much since the eighties that the return of investment is not great for numerous people such as teachers, nurses, and so on.

And it is not just for higher education. It has become harder to have a good standard of living. Economists say that people born after 2000 (millennials) will have to put away twice as much as their parents to have the same lifestyle once they are retired.

6/ According to the author student debt loan….

A/ is becoming a danger for the economy.
B/ is still manageable.
C/ should be canceled.


7/ According to the 1st paragraph how much money did students borrow in 2009?

A/ Twice as much as in 2017.
B/ Half of what was borrowed in 2017.
C/ It is impossible to know.


8/ From the second paragraph one can infer that in America…

A/ borrowing money for your studies is still a good investment no matter what.
B/ you have to be careful when borrowing money for your higher education.
C/ canceling student debt loan is the only solution to be a nurse or a teacher.


9/ In the last sentence of the paragraph, what does “numerous people” refer to

A/ Teachers and nurses for examples.
B/ American students with student loans.
C/ Every student.


10/ What will happen for millennials in the US?

A/ It will be easier for them to retire early.
B/ They will have to fight twice as much as their parents to have the same life economically speaking when retired.
C/ They will have no money left when they retire.


Cliquez ici pour voir la correction de l'exercice +

Correction rapide :

1/B - 2/B - 3/A - 4/A - 5/B
6/A - 7/B - 8/B - 9/A - 10/B


Correction détaillée :

Les bonnes réponses sont en gras.



1/ According to the author wedding planners are

A/ Employees
B/ Working for themselves

C/ Working for big event companies


2/ In the second sentence of the second paragraph, what does “one” refer to?

A/ Wedding planners?
B/ Everyone thinking about what it means to be a wedding planner.

C/ Wedding planners’ clients.


3/ How does the writer describe the schedule of wedding planner?

A/ It is hectic.

B/ It is boring.
C/ A wedding planner can work on Saturdays and Sundays, but not more than the rest of the week.


4/ In the third paragraph, how is the author describing the profession of wedding planner?

A/ It a tough job but it is worth working as a wedding planner.

B/ Being a wedding planner has a lot of downsides.
C/ One can make a great deal of money.


5/ What idea does the last paragraph express?

A/ One can be lazy sometimes.
B/ Doing your job requires to go beyond people’s expectations.
C/ Being a wedding planner is easy at the end of the day.




6/ According to the author student debt loan….

A/ is becoming a danger for the economy.

B/ is still manageable.
C/ should be canceled.


7/ According to the 1st paragraph how much money did students borrow in 2009?

A/ Twice as much as in 2017.
B/ Half of what was borrowed in 2017.

C/ It is impossible to know.


8/ From the second paragraph one can infer that in America…

A/ borrowing money for your studies is still a good investment no matter what.
B/ you have to be careful when borrowing money for your higher education.

C/ canceling student debt loan is the only solution to be a nurse or a teacher.


9/ In the last sentence of the paragraph, what does “numerous people” refer to

A/ Teachers and nurses for examples.

B/ American students with student loans.
C/ Every student.


10/ What will happen for millennials in the US?

A/ It will be easier for them to retire early.
B/ They will have to fight twice as much as their parents to have the same life economically speaking when retired.

C/ They will have no money left when they retire.


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Laissez-moi vos questions et commentaires dans la zone commentaires ci-dessous :

    • Hi Evelyne,

      Ce n’est pas une course contre la montre.

      Passe-y le temps nécessaire!

      Don’t hesitate if you have any questions.

      Have a great day.

  • Hi Adrien,

    First flawless test! I knew these 2 subjects, and especially rhe second one … it certainly helps.
    However, I did not see the time objective. I spent 10 minutes on it.

    Have a great evening.

  • Hello Adrien
    5 mistakes
    I have one question :
    The difference between half of what was borrowed and twice as much as

    • Hi again Caroline,

      Half of what was borrowed = la moitié de ce qui a été emprunté.

      Twice as much as = deux fois plus que….

      I hope this helps.

      Enjoy the rest of your day.

        • Hi Caroline,

          Thanks for your question.

          Further is the comparative of FAR = plus loin –> My house is a little bit further down the road.

          More is either an adjective or an adverb = plus / plus de –> Can I have more coffee?

          I hope this is helpful.

          Enjoy the rest of your day.

          • Hey Caroline,

            In that case, they’re synonyms –> further information (more formal) = more information (less formal)

            Have a great day.

  • Hi Adrien,
    Not to bad. 8 correct answers
    I have made a mistake at 5 & 7 : reading too fast.
    I have to stay cool and stop watching the time going by
    Have a nice day

  • Hello Adrien,
    1 er texte que je pensais très simple, car j’avais bien compris le texte, j’ai fait des fautes, car je pense n’avoir pas saisi la question ou tout bonnement, mal traduit les choix proposés, donc sur le 1 er = 1 seule réponse juste
    Texte 2 = tout juste
    comme quoi
    Merci pour ces textes et je continue
    Have a great evening

  • Bonjour Adrien, j’ai fait 7/10 avec des erreurs d’appréciations du texte (questions 5, 6 et 7).

    Merci pour cet exercice qui est intéressant pour la compréhension écrite!

    See you soon
