Pour cette huitième semaine on innove :

1/ C'est une semaine de révisions.
Une leçon de révisions pour chaque semaine de cours !

2/ Et j'ai mis renforcé le nombre d'exercices et leur longueur, vous allez voir c'est sympa je pense :).

Bonnes révisions !


Complètez les phrases à l’aide de la bonne forme.
ATTENTION : Il y a une SEULE réponse possible

1/ This Jumper is > expensive > this coat. 

A/ the most expensive

B/ less expensive than

C/ as expensive as

D/ the least expensive

E/ more expensive than


2/ This street is < busy < this avenue.

A/ the busiest

B/ less busy than

C/ as busy as

D/ the least busy

E/ more busy than


3/ Sam is = tall = Adam.

A/ the tallest

B/ less tall than

C/ as tall as

D/ the least tall

E/ taller than


4/ The Eiffel Tower is > big > my house.

A/ the biggest

B/ less big than

C/ as big as

D/ the least big

E/ bigger than


5/ Walking is < tiring < running.

A/ the most tiring

B/ less tiring than

C/ as tiring as

D/ the least tiring

E/ more tiring than


6/ Your car is = old = mine.

A/ the oldest

B/ less old than

C/ as old as

D/ the least old

E/ older than


7/ This itinerary is > long > that one.

A/ the longest

B/ less long than

C/ as long as

D/ the least long

E/ longer than


8/ The first exercise was < difficult < the second one.

A/ the most difficult

B/ less difficult than

C/ as difficult as

D/ the least difficult

E/ more difficult than


9/ You look = young = the last time I saw you.

A/ the youngest

B/ less young than

C/ as young as

D/ the least young

E/ younger than

Cliquez ici pour voir la correction +


1/ This Jumper is > expensive > this coat. = Ce pull est plus cher que ce manteau.

A/ the most expensive

B/ less expensive than

C/ as expensive as

D/ the least expensive

E/ more expensive than


2/ This street is < busy < this avenue. = Cette rue est moins passante que cette avenue.

A/ the busiest

B/ less busy than

C/ as busy as

D/ the least busy

E/ more busy than


3/ Sam is = tall = Adam. = Sam est aussi grand que Adam.

A/ the tallest

B/ less tall than

C/ as tall as

D/ the least tall

E/ taller than


4/ The Eiffel Tower is > big > my house. = La tour Eiffel est plus grande que ma maison.

A/ the biggest

B/ less big than

C/ as big as

D/ the least big

E/ bigger than


5/ Walking is < tiring < running. = La marche est moins fatigante que la course.

A/ the most tiring

B/ less tiring than

C/ as tiring as

D/ the least tiring

E/ more tiring than


6/ Your car is = old = mine. = Ta voiture est aussi ancienne que la mienne.

A/ the oldest

B/ less old than

C/ as old as

D/ the least old

E/ older than


7/ This itinerary is > long > that one. = Cet itinéraire est plus long que celui-là.


A/ the longest

B/ less long than

C/ as long as

D/ the least long

E/ longer than


8/ The first exercise was < difficult < the second one. = Le premier exercice était moins difficile que le second.

A/ the most difficult

B/ less difficult than

C/ as difficult as

D/ the least difficult

E/ more difficult than


9/ You look = young = the last time I saw you. = Tu as l’air aussi jeune que la dernière fois que je t’ai vu(e).

A/ the youngest

B/ less young than

C/ as young as

D/ the least young

E/ younger than


Choisissez la bonne réponse parmi celles-ci (une seule forme possible par phrase à compléter).

the tastiest - the least - the least affordable - the most active

the most exciting - the worst - the greatest


1/ Lucy is one of ________ members of the association. = Lucy est l’une des membres les plus actives de l’association

2/ Visiting him in the hospital is ________ I can do. = Lui rendre visite à l’hôpital est la moindre des choses que je puisse faire.

3/ Wow! I’ve just watched ________ movie! = Wow! Je viens de voir le film le plus excitant !

4/ Yuck! It’s ________ food ever! = Beurk !  = C’est le pire que j’ai jamais mangé.

5/ Yum! This pizza is ________ I’ve ever had! = Cette pizza est la meilleure que j’ai jamais mangé.

6/ This is ________ solution for me. I’m not going to choose it. = Cette solution est la plus coûteuse (la moins bon marché) pour moi. Je ne vais pas la choisir.

7/ The song Bohemian Rhapsody was one of ________ successes of Queen. = La chanson Bohemian Rhapsody a été un des plus grands succès de Queen.

Cliquez ici pour voir la correction +


1/ Lucy is one of the most active members of the association.

2/ Visiting him in the hospital is the least I can do.

3/ Wow! I’ve just watched the most exciting movie!

4/ Yuck! It’s the worst food ever!

5/ Yum! This pizza is the tastiest I’ve ever had!

6/ This is the least affordable solution for me. I’m not going to choose it.

7/ The song Bohemian Rhapsody was one of the greatest successes of Queen.


Complètez avec les mots suivants :

catalogue – could - dear – forward – from – have - invoice – items – make - morning – order – price - regards  - reply – transfer – would - your


______ Sir,

Thank you for ______ quick ______.

I ______ received your ______. I’ll ______ a bank ______ tomorrow ______.

Also, I ______ like to ______ a few more ______ from your ______.

______ you send me a ______ list?

Looking ______ to hearing ______ you.

Best ______,

Mr Jenkins

Cliquez ici pour voir la correction +


Dear Sir,

Thank you for your quick reply.

I have received your invoice. I’ll make a bank transfer tomorrow morning.

Also, I would like to order a few more items from your catalogue.

Could you send me a price list?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Mr Jenkins


Choisissez la réponse correcte :

1/ If you jumped in the pool, you ________ wet. 

A/ will get

B/ get

C/ would get

D/ can get


2/ If you were hot, you ________ open the window. 

A/ will

B/ would

C/ could

D/ can


3/ If I ________ the answer, I ________ tell you.

A/ know / would

B/ knew / would

C/ know / could

D/ knew / can


4/ If you work hard, you ________ succeed.

A/ would

B/ have

C/ will

D/ would have


5/ If she saw you dressed like that, she ________ freak out.

A/ would

B/ will

C/ can

D/ have


6/ What ________ you like to have for dinner?

A/ would

B/ can

C/ should

D/ could


7/ It’s cold outside, you ________ wear a hat.

A/ will

B/ would

C/ should

D/ have


8/ ________  we open a bottle of wine?

A/ will

B/ should

C/ have

D/ must


9/  ________ you go abroad if you ________ ? 

A/ Can / will

B/ would / could

C/ could / will

D/ will / would


10/ If the weather ________ better, we ________ go out.

A/ gets / will

B/ gets / would

C/ got / will

D/ got / have


11/ If I ________ you, I ________ give up.

A/ were / have

B/ was / can

C/ was / will

D/ were / would

Cliquez ici pour voir la correction +



1/ If you jumped in the pool, you would get wet.

A/ will get

B/ get

C/ would get

D/ can get


2/ If you were hot, you could open the window.

A/ will

B/ would

C/ could

D/ can


3/ If I knew the answer, I would tell you.

A/ know / would

B/ knew / would

C/ know / could

D/ knew / can


4/ If you work hard, you will succeed.


A/ would

B/ have

C/ will

D/ would have


5/ If she saw you dressed like that, she would freak out.

A/ would

B/ will

C/ can

D/ have


6/ What would you like to have for dinner?


A/ would

B/ can

C/ should

D/ could


7/ It’s cold outside, you should wear a hat.


A/ will

B/ would

C/ should

D/ have


8/ Should we open a bottle of wine?

A/ will

B/ should

C/ have

D/ must


9/ Would you go abroad if you could?


A/ Can / will

B/ would / could

C/ could / will

D/ will / would


10/ If the weather gets better, we will go out.


A/ gets / will

B/ gets / would

C/ got / will

D/ got / have


11/ If I were you, I would give up.


A/ were / have

B/ was / can

C/ was / will

D/ were / would


Quelle heure est-il ?
ATTENTION : une seule réponse est possible !

1/ Midi

A/ 12 a.m. / midnight

B/ 12 p.m. / midday

C/ 12 a.m. / midday

D/ 12 p.m. / midnight


2/ Minuit

A/ 12 a.m. / midnight

B/ 12 p.m. / midday

C/ 12 a.m. / midday

D/ 12 p.m. / midnight


3/ Quinze heures 

A/ 3 a.m.

B/ 15 p.m.

C/ 3 p.m.

D/ 15 a.m.


4/ Huit heures du soir

A/ 8 a.m.

B/ 8 p.m.

C/ 20 a.m.

D/ 20 p.m.


5/ Sept heures du matin 

A/ 7 a.m.

B/ 7 p.m.

C/ 19 a.m.

D/ 19 p.m.


6/ It’s ten past eight in the morning.


A/ 8:10 p.m.

B/ 10:08 a.m.

C/ 7:50 p.m.

D/ 8:10 a.m.


7/ It’s a quarter to eleven at night.


A/ 10:45 p.m.

B/ 11:15 p.m.

C/ 11:15 a.m.

D/ 4:11 a.m.


8/ It’s a quarter past six in the morning.


A/ 6:45 a.m.

B/ 6:15 a.m.

C/ 4:06 a.m.

D/ 6:04 a.m.


9/ It’s half four in the afternoon.


A/ 4:15 p.m.

B/ 4:45 p.m.

C/ 4:30 p.m.

D/ 4:00 p.m.


10/ It’s twenty to noon.


A/ 8:20 p.m.

B/ 12:20 p.m.

C/ 9:22 a.m.

D/ 11:40 a.m

Cliquez ici pour voir la correction +



1/ Midi

A/ 12 a.m. / midnight

B/ 12 p.m. / midday


C/ 12 a.m. / midday

D/ 12 p.m. / midnight


2/ Minuit

A/ 12 a.m. / midnight


B/ 12 p.m. / midday

C/ 12 a.m. / midday

D/ 12 p.m. / midnight


3/ Quinze heures 

A/ 3 a.m.

B/ 15 p.m.

C/ 3 p.m.


D/ 15 a.m.


4/ Huit heures du soir

A/ 8 a.m.

B/ 8 p.m.


C/ 20 a.m.

D/ 20 p.m.


5/ Sept heures du matin 

A/ 7 a.m.


B/ 7 p.m.

C/ 19 a.m.

D/ 19 p.m.


6/ It’s ten past eight in the morning. 

A/ 8:10 p.m.

B/ 10:08 a.m.

C/ 7:50 p.m.

D/ 8:10 a.m.



7/ It’s a quarter to eleven at night.

A/ 10:45 p.m.


B/ 11:15 p.m.

C/ 11:15 a.m.

D/ 4:11 a.m.


8/ I It’s a quarter past six in the morning. 

A/ 6:45 a.m.

B/ 6:15 a.m.


C/ 4:06 a.m.

D/ 6:04 a.m.


9/ It’s half four in the afternoon. 

A/ 4:15 p.m.

B/ 4:45 p.m.

C/ 4:30 p.m.


D/ 4:00 p.m.


10/ It’s twenty to noon. 

A/ 8:20 p.m.

B/ 12:20 p.m.

C/ 9:22 a.m.

D/ 11:40 a.m


  • Je n’ai pas terminé la révision. Je vais devoir toutes les lessons car je dois pour revoir beaucoup de règles. je suis bien contente tout de même. Merci Adrien pour ton implication lors des leçons

  • Hi Adrien,

    Beaucoup de fautes pour moi mais je crois que je commence a fatiguer, je vais aller jusqu’ ‘au bout mais il faudra que je reprenne tranquillement beaucoup de passage. 60js c’est vraiment intensif pour moi..
    en tout cas un grand merci car beaucoup de plaisir a apprendre avec toi

    • Hi Brigitte,

      Oui, parfois, il faut s’écouter et ne pas hésiter à faire une pause. Le cerveau a besoin de temps d’assimilation.

      Enjoy the rest of the day!

  • hello Adrien
    thank you so much for all these exercises
    first exercise : un jumper is clearly cheaper than a coat so, the answer should be less expensive than: well, that was my answer
    then, without the sentences could we write
    Sam is taller than Adam : instead of Sam is as tall as Adam
    your car is older than mine : instead of your car is as old as mine
    enjoy the rest of your day

    • Hello Delphine,

      Sam is taller than Adam is grammatically correct.
      Your car is older than mine is grammatically correct.

      Have a nice day.

  • Hello Adrien,

    « This pizza is the tastiest I’ve ever had! = Cette pizza est la meilleure que j’ai jamais mangée. »

    Why « ever » and not « never » please? What’s the difference?

    Thank you so much, enjoy the rest of your day.

    • Hello Christiane,

      C’est la tournure qui est ainsi.

      « never » veut dire jamais dans une phrase négative.

      Have a nice day.

    • Thank you for your comment, Cathy! I’m glad you like the method.

      PS: Hi Adrian, As always, it is a very useful and interesting lesson! Thank you! Your method makes me progress a lot!!

    • Hi Martine,

      Great! Keep going!

      Have a nice day.

      PS: Hi Adrien,
      These lessons allowed me to do some revision, mainly Will, Would, Should.
      Thank you,
      Have a nice day.

  • Hi Adrien! How’s it going?
    I had some difficulties to fill out the blanks of the email.
    I made one mistake at the exercice 4 -10 because i was distracted. but i’m pretty good with the conditional tense.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Take care of yoursellf!

    • Hello Clyde,

      Thanks for the feedback. Keep up the great work!

      PS: I had some difficulties filling out the blanks of the email.
      I made one mistake at exercise 4-10 because I was distracted. but I’m pretty good with the conditional tense.
      Enjoy the rest of your day.
      Take care of yourself!

  • Hello Adrien,

    Lesson 1, I wrote:
    1/1 less expensive than
    1/3 taller than
    1/6 older than
    1/8 as difficult as
    1/9 younger than
    I’m wondering if it’s by deduction or not ?
    I don’t find of explication and i need of help.

    Lesson 2, a alone mistake.

    Lesson 3, I inversed items and price !

    Lesson 4, I wrote:
    4/4 would « probability or not ? »
    4/8 must we
    Lesson 5, it’s ok. Glad because it’s rarely the without fault.

    Thanks for these exercises amusing et instructive.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

    • Hello Luc,

      1/ Je pense qu’il s’agit d’une mauvaise interprétation des signes > < =. 4-4/ C'est une question de concordance de temps. 4-8/ Non, car c'est idiomatique. I hope this helps. PS: Lesson 2, a single mistake. Lesson 3, I reversed items and price! / Glad because it’s rarely without mistakes. Thanks for these amusing, instructive exercises.

  • hi, Adrien
    thanks for your home work, they permis me to see different situation, and review every time so is not easy but i want to….
    take care ,enjoy the rest of your day

    • Hello Fatimata,

      Thanks for your feedback!

      PS: Hi Adrien,
      Thanks for your homework, they allow me to see different situations, and review every time so it is not easy but I want to….
      Take care, enjoy the rest of your day.

  • Bonsoir Adrian,
    Tout d’abord merci pour ces exercices, ils sont vraiment bien faits. Je suis trop contente de suivre tes cours (lentement mais surement) mais j’y vais et j’irai jusqu’au bout. Qui à prendre des années. (rire)
    Je suis à la 8ème semaine, revision 6
    Je suis complètement perdue avec les 3 formes du conditionnel , je ne m’en sors pas, même en traduisant les phrases en français pour mieux comprendre ça ne va pas.
    Comment pourrais tu me faire mieux comprendre, dans l’exercice, lesson 4, j’ai eu une seule bonne réponse. J’ai recommencé et je ne comprends toujours pas. Je prends la 3è phrase : If I knew the answer, Il would tell you. J’ai mis la réponse A et je vois que c’est la B.
    Excuse moi, je ne prendrai pas chaque phrase, mais je ne comprends rien. C’est très compliqué pour moi, je suis désemparée. AU SECOURS. fait quelque chose pour moi.

    • Hi Jacqueline,

      C’est comme en Français:

      1/ Si tu fais ça, alors il se passe ça. = probabilité = 100%

      If you jump into a pool, you get wet. = Si tu sautes dans une piscine, tu te mouilles.

      2/ Si tu sautais dans la piscine, tu te mouillerais. = probabilité 50% (tu peux sauter ou pas)

      If you jumped into a pool, you would get wet.

      3/ Si tu avais sauté dans la piscine, tu te serais mouillé. = probabilité 0% (tu ne l’as pas fait)

      If you had jumped into a pool, you would have got wet.

      I hope this makes sense. 🙂

  • I Adrien
    I don’t understand in the lesson 5 (l’heure)
    « it’s a quarter to eleven by night »
    Why is the answer « 10:45 p.m » if it’s « by night »?
    I wrote « 10:45 a.m »
    Thank for your answer

    • Hi,

      Attention: It’s quarter to eleven AT night.

      Matin = a.m.

      Après-midi = p.m.

      10:45 a.m. = onze heures moins le quart le matin.

      I hope this helps. 🙂

  • Hello Adrien
    Dans la semaine 8, je ne comprends pas bien le 1er exercice.
    Comment je fais pour savoir que c’est + ou – dans ta phrase, j’ai regardé la 1ere réponse et j’ai vu que c’est seulement là qu’il y a la phrase en français;

    Dans la 1ère phrase comment je fais pour savoir que c’était la réponse E alors que j’aurai pu mettre aussi la réponse B

    Complètez les phrases à l’aide de la bonne forme.
    ATTENTION : Il y a une SEULE réponse possible

    1/ This Jumper is > expensive > this coat.

    A/ the most expensive

    B/ less expensive than

    C/ as expensive as

    D/ the least expensive

    E/ more expensive than

    Merci pour tes explications.
    Bien à toi

  • Hi Adrien,

    After watching the video part 3 with Michelle, here I am again. A little disppointed to have made a lot of mistakes, so to review. Thank you for your exercises.
    Have a good day.


  • Hi Adrien, pourquoi le deepl traduct. ?
    Il court tous les lundis et mercredis de la semaine =
    he runs every Monday and Wednesday of the week
    On ne peut pas dire : tous les = all on Mondays, etc ?


    une personne = one person
    deux personnes = two people ?
    cette personne = this person

    Thanks for your answers – Have a great afternoon

    • HI Chantal,

      1/ En effet, all on Mondays / all of Mondays = incorrect

      2/ Tu as raison:2 personnes = two people

      I hope this helps. 🙂

  • Hello Adrien, J’ai pris un peu de retard pour la Week 8 ; et je pense que je n’aurai pas fini dans les temps. Est ce que je pourrai continuer sur la semaine prochaine ? Thanks for your answer – have a great evening

    • Hi Chantal,

      Tu avances à ton propre rythme! 🙂

      Tu as tout le temps du monde pour profiter pleinement de ta formation.

      • Thank you very much Adrien, it suits me well.
        What a pity that we didn’t know a teacher as good as you did years ago.
        Almost all of us could already speak English.
        we could have learned other languages with you.
        have a good afternoon – PS : Thanks Deepl…

    • Hi Michèle,

      Thanks for asking! 🙂

      If you ARE, you CAN…


      If you WERE, you COULD…

      I hope this makes sense. 🙂

      Have a ice day.

    • Hi Pierre-Yves! 🙂

      Glad you’re enjoying it!

      Hi Adrien !
      It is always excellent to revise the whole training during the last week !
      Thank you for everything.

  • My revisions were good , however I must continue to practice the conditionnal so as not to think too long before speaking.

    I carry on!